Knowledge Management Reading List
The A-list
New to the area? If you are pressed for time, start with these:

The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business
Carla O'Dell and Cindy Hubert. 2011.
Food for thought from two of the pioneers. Carla O'Dell and Cindy Hubert have been in the trenches with many of the organizations that have succeeded in keveraging KM for business benefits. They recognized early the symbiotic relationship between knowledge flow and work flow and have guided practitioners in the quest to optimize and streamline both. If you read nothing else, read this one.

Learning to Fly
Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell. 2001.
Based on their BP experience.
Other Worthwhile Books
If you have time, there are many other worthwhile books. Some of the best known are:

Thinking for a Living
Thomas Davenport. 2005.
How to improve individual knowledge worker performance.

Working Knowledge
Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak. 1998.

Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management
Melissie Rumizen. 2002.

Common Knowledge
Nancy Dixon. 2000.

In Good Company
Donald Cohen and Laurence Prusak. 2001.

Cultivating Communities of Practice
Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott, and William Snyder. 2002.

Performance Through Learning
Carol Gorelick, Kurt April, Nick Milton. 2004.

The Knowing-Doing Gap
Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton. 2000.
"Knowing" is one thing, "doing" is something else again.

The Executive's Role in Knowledge Management
Carla O'Dell. 2004.
An 'easy read', short (129 pages), practical, based on experience with a wide
variety of organizations.

Knowledge Management
Carla O'Dell, Susan Elliott and Cindy Hubert. 2000.
Introductory guide.

Stages of Implementation
Carla O'Dell. 2000.
Lessons learned from 1999-2000 benchmarking study.

Content Management
Farida Hasanali and Paige Leavitt. 2003.

Communities of Practice
Farida Hasanali, Cindy Hubert, Kimberly Lopez, Bob Newhouse, Carla O'Dell and Wesley Vestal. 2002.

Change Without Pain
Eric Abrahamson. 2004.